Sunday, December 12, 2010


When I first heard about BlackBoard, I thought it was the board which you wrote on in a classroom, but then I found out that it is a network that is similar to ANGEL which a peer of mine used in high school. It is a large and popular network that is commonly used. You can have discussions, can post assignments, answer posts to discuss and compare, teachers can put rubrics up, and teachers can post a page of frequently asked questions so they don't have to answer them over and over again. This would be a really great thing to set up in a classroom because it will keep your classroom more organized and if they are missing from class you could put assignments up and they could get them instead of being late because they did not have the paper. In addition, if you lose an assignment or rubric, you can print if off again so you can work on your project without having to wait to get it from a friend or the teacher the next day. Just like ANGEL, this program could have many beneficial uses for both teachers and students!

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