Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Feelings about copyright

I think that copyright is very important but very misunderstood. I think it is confusing to a lot of people and there are many different ways or terms depending on the person who posted. I think it is a huge deal if you take people's work without giving them credit.

I licensed something!

This is an image that I licensed this image through creative commons and uploaded it to flickr!

here is the website its on :)

CC-ND Photo by: Meg Schmidt

Learning to use Creative Commons

Today in class we are learning about using Creative Commons and using images off of it and how we are supposed to properly cite it. I think this is a great skill to have and can be used for project or presentations in a classroom one day. Although it took a lot of time to learn, I think it would be great for my students and I to be able to use this feature.

Photo Attribution:
Original image "Classroom"
By: Editor B

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Figuring out all these new accounts!

In my CEP 416 class, I have been learning about all kinds of resources that can help my teaching and will be great for me to find resources. Although it is really exciting, I am beginning to become overwhelmed. Organizing and keeping track of all of these websites is tiring. It is really exciting seeing all the resources that I can draw from though! I can't wait until I understand this much better :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

New Technology!

Last week in class we learned about an ireader by google and that was completely new to me! This week we then learned about making a "delicious" which was similar, in my opinion to that. I like that all of the information will be in one spot and the fact that there are places which you can just see updates from everything you need in one spot instead of checking all these other outlets. I think I am already starting to get the hang out this and I am really enjoying it!

Monday, September 13, 2010

A new year:)

I am now a junior at Michigan State and I am in a new course about teaching and technology. I have so many awesome classes this year and I am so excited to learn things that will be forming what I know and the teacher I will become. I have used some technology like this blog in previous classes, but they are still pretty new to me. I love to play around with new technology, its like a toy for me haha. I would say I have become pretty good at using the computer and figuring out how to run most things or use programs. I am so excited to learn about technology in a different sense, like how to apply it to maximize my students learning. I want to learn to use things like a smart board, etc. I also want to learn how to apply what I know to my teaching some day. I cant wait!:)