Tuesday, November 30, 2010



I recently observed in a classroom at an elementary school and I was curious what kind of technology the teacher would use in her everyday classroom and she used an elmo. I have always liked elmos because they can be used at all ages and they are an easy way for the student to see just what the teacher is trying to show. Instead of wasting time passing around a book for the whole class to see one image, you can flip open and have the class look at it together in a much larger picture when projected. I think these are great ways to integrate technology into a lesson, even if it is something small like an elmo. This observation reminded me that you do not always have to have something large planned to use technology, it can be tiny little things daily.


  1. I also like how elmos are small and handy and get the job done! I have seen elmos used a lot lately, in my elementary ed. field placement, special ed. field placement, and in one of my MSU TE courses! I wonder how much elmos cost...?

  2. Elmos are great really great to use in the classroom because it can project things on the screen, but I think that if a teacher is just writing on paper under the elmo, that the students are not as interested in the material. I think when a teacher stands in front on a white board that the students pay attention more because the teacher is using her whole body to teach.
