Saturday, November 20, 2010

Search Engines

I cannot count the number of times a day that I use a search engine to find out information. It could be as simple as finding a picture or definition to looking up articles for a research paper. I think that this is a really important skill for students to learn. I think that it needs to be taught to them when they are learning to use the internet, which is pretty early these days. I think that there are a lot of people who know how to use it but not correctly and efficiently which needs to be taught. Once they know this skill, search engines can be a great resource for teachers and can provide many activities to keep the students involved. You could have them find something with a search engine which goes along with the topic which makes individual responses which could be very unique since they are doing it individually. There are some problems with search engines though. Students may get side tracked, but most websites such as facebook can be blocked in elementary schools. In addition, people make websites which are not really related to a topic and tag it anyways so it shows up and then you have to search harder for what you are really looking for. I think overall that it could be a great resource to integrate technology into your lesson and that students would really love it since they are familiar with the internet anyways and it will keep them involved!!

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. Part of living and being successful in American culture is computer literacy... however, I am saddened by the idea that dictionaries, thesauruses, and encyclopedias, etc. are no longer frequently used in the classroom or in the general public. Computer screens have overtaken the written word.
