Sunday, December 12, 2010


Projectors are very simple ways of integrating technology into a classroom or lesson. They have a wide range of uses such as movies to just lessons. The non overhead ones are nice because they do not get in the way of the student's view. They do not block and obstruct the view. They are also a cool way to present in a different way and have many uses. When I often think of technology, I think about bigger things or websites, but this is still a simple way to use technology in your classroom:) the little things can make a big difference!

Audio Books

Audio books are a great way to read books for many ranges of students. They can be used for all types of students. They can be used for struggling readers which cannot read very well or do not enjoy it. They can also be used for students which have disabilities. Using audio books also helps because instead of using the skill of reading, you are using the skill of listening which is also very important to language acquisition and to comprehension. These are great resources for teachers which are not used enough but I have had experience with these in a classroom.


Skype is something which has become increasingly more popular in the past few years and one of my college professors used it this year. She was not always available on campus to have office hours and she said that if we needed to talk to her that we could have office hours over skype and she would conference us that way. This is a very easy way to meet with a teacher or if you have a quick question than you could call your teacher and instantly get an answer and explain your issue over skype. This is an effective way of communicating and I think that it would be cool to have more teachers that had skype as office hours. What do you think?

AOL AIM in the class?

I had a friend who told me that he used AOL and AIM in his classroom and I was confused how this could be used for educational uses at first. He told me that his teacher had a screen name and students would contact the teacher if they had questions and it would give them an instant answer back. I thought this was really cool and since AIM is something many people have, it would be pretty accessible to students. This is just one example of teachers getting a social network or id that students have and making themselves accessible to students in that way. This is something I hope to be able to do for my students:)


All throughout the years of schooling, when we were reviewing for tests, we would use little buzzers to answer whether it was teams or individual and I loved it! It was such a fun way of learning and reviewing and I actually remembered a lot from it. I think that the buzzers are a great way to integrate technology into reviewing and the classroom and it is enjoyable! This is something that can be used for all grade levels:)


This was a very interesting and new kind of technology that I just learned about. I had heard about it before but I never looked into it and the significance. Podcasts can be both audio and video recordings. The church that I attend uses them and they are really cool! If i miss it or am looking for something to reference, I can click on it and watch it as if I was there. I think that teachers could use something like this in the classroom because it would be beneficial to students and teachers too! Students can look back to help study by referencing and remembering specific incidents which they used to remember a topic and teachers can benefit since they will not have to repeat themselves or reteach a topic. This could be very helpful in a classroom and I think this would be great in a classroom like a lecture! They should try it in my classes:)

Realizing the use of Educational DVDS

Before this year, I had not realized how important educational dvds were to me. I did not see any point in them most of the time they were very boring and dull. I hated watching them, but this year I had a professor which taught me a lot from them. They were related to my class and topic and they made sense. They were very specific and I was learning from them because they were actual examples of how things should look and they were very interesting to me. I am hoping one day to use more of these in my classroom but to make sure that they are actually relevent to what I am teaching and not just for fun and no meaning.